Violetta Smajek
Founder and Owner of Flower Cup Wellness

Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki for Women

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

- Lao Tzu

Hello, I’m Violetta and I am a trauma informed Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and Reiki Practitioner passionate about supporting and empowering women in their healing journeys to manifest better health and wellbeing.

I believe that “change begins with me,” and that lasting transformation can be achieved when we take responsibility for our part and focus on what we CAN change to improve our life.  So often we look for the external “fix,” yet we overlook the importance of inner work, nurturing authentic self, prioritizing self-care and practicing self-love.

I fell in love with the holistic approach to healing in 2012 and experienced many powerful transformations in my personal wellness journey.  I used many modalities and energy work to move through different stages of healing, ex: Reiki, acupuncture, massage, breathwork, yoga, meditation, spiritual guidance, colon hydrotherapy and other detox services, Rosen Bodywork, coaching and mentoring. 

The biggest transformation that allowed me to step into living authentically was when I finally understood that I am the only person who has the power to change my life.  Little by little I started reconnecting with wounded parts of myself and regaining self-trust, self-confidence and the vision for my future. Little by little I started healing from codependency, people pleasing and the need for approval.  

As I was moving through my personal healing journey, I found passion and fulfillment in empowering other women to heal on a deeper level and reclaim their power to live in alignment with who they are.  In 2023 I became a certified holistic wellness coach and started a new adventure as I created Flower Cup Wellness with an intention to empower women and support them in improving health and wellbeing through conscious inner work, self-discovery and practicing self-love to become the best version of yourself.

As I work closely with women struggling with anxiety, self-doubt and lack of self-worth I recognize the importance of deeper exploration of our inner landscapes to identify dysfunctional patterns, imprints of old trauma, wounds of inner child and suppressed emotions holding us back from living healthy, joyful and fulfilling lives.  

In my work with clients, I focus on mindset, spirituality and purpose.  We take deep dives into inner dialogue and identify limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns and dysfunctional coping mechanisms that don’t serve us anymore.  Once we increase self-awareness of the unhealthy and dysfunctional patterns and relationships, we open the door to change, transformation and new potentials.  We always focus on a whole person healing and look at the maze of connections between patterns, relationships and various aspects of life.

Transformation is a process that requires patience, commitment, consistency and accountability.  It also requires compassion, gentleness, forgiveness and support from others who can hold safe and nonjudgmental space for deep healing to take place.

Every day I learn to simplify my life and practice Reiki Principles to be more present, connected, grounded and aligned with the core values that I choose to align my life with.  Values like: integrity, honesty, respect, creativity, love, peace, unity, compassion, service, freedom, independence, friendship, family, truth, trust, faith … and so much more.


Reiki Principles

Just for Today

do not worry

Just for Today

do not anger

Just for Today

earn your living honestly

just for Today

be grateful for your blessings

Just for Today

be kind to every living thing.

If you resonate with my work, please connect and we will collaborate on the next best step for your holistic wellness journey or we dive right in and schedule your virtual or in-person coaching and/or Reiki session.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon!



Call / text @ (570)224-1944

Email @


Flower Cup Wellness - Intro Flyer: CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

Holistic Wellness Coach Certification through IAWP - International Association of Wellness Professionals VISIT WEBSITE

Trauma Informed Certification through The Centre for Healing  VISIT WEBSITE